13. - 14. 4. 2024

We would like to kindly invite you to the first competition of the season 2024, which will take place at the Nový Svět complex in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. The competition is part of the CzechBlack dogfrisbee league.

We will compete in traditional distance disciplines: SPTF Division 1 and Division 2, DogDartbee, the Quadruped and Parallel TimeTrial, and this year also in Sunday SPTF (no separate divisions).


Entry fee needs to be paid in advance.

For payment in CZK use this account:
2800734511 / 2010 (Fio)

IBAN: CZ93 2010 0000 0028 0073 4511

For payment in Euro use this account:
2902730933 / 2010 (Fio)

IBAN: CZ31 2010 0000 0029 0273 0933

Bank adress:
Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 11721 Praha 1

(deadline for payment: 9. 4. 2024)

*Members of the Czech DiscDog Club under age of 18 have discount 50%.


Due to the limits for most of the disciplines the deadline is set to Friday 5th of April.


These are the judges that will be with you all weekend.

Nikol Vízková: SPTF Division 1, Quad Men, Paralel TimeTrial

Jakub Janik: DogDartbee, Quad Women

Pavla Hejralová: SPTF Division 2, Sunday SPTF


SPTF Division 1 – number of starters limited to 80

SPTF Division 2 – number of starters limited to 40

DogDartbee – number of starters limited to 80


SPTF – number of starters limited to 40

Paralel TimeTrial – number of starters limited to 60

the Quadruped – number of starters limited to 30 (in each)


50.426934, 15.821313 nebo 50°25’37.0″N 15°49’16.7″E


As usual at this location, camping is available right next to the playground.

The fee for the campsite is 100 CZK/person/night.

Camping fees are paid in cash on site at the registration.



registration from 18:30 to approx. 21:00


registration 7:30 – 8:30 
8:50 shortplayers meeting at 

9:00 – 1st round of SPTF Division II

9:50 – 1st Round of SPTF Division I

9:30 the DogDartbee qualification will start, there will be no starting line, the qualification will take place using the „walk in order“ system

12:00 – 13:00 – lunch break

13:00 – 2nd round of SPTF Division II 

14:00 – 2nd round SPTF Division I

at 16:00 (or 15 min) after the end of the SPTF, the DD semi-finals and finals will take place.

at 17:00 or 15 minutes after the end of the DD final, the winners will be announced.


registration from 8:00 – 8:30 
8:50 a short players meeting

9:00 – quadruped qualification men, women

9:30 – PTT qualification

10:15 – 1st round of SPTF

10:30 – Quadruped Men (groups + final)

at approximately 11:45  – Quadruped Women (groups + finals)

14:00 – 2nd round of SPTF

15:45 – PTT semi-finals and finals

(Please keep in mind that the times are only indicative. We want to fluently continue with the disciplines according to how they end. The beginnings of disciplines and breaks will always be announced in advance.)


The entire competition takes place according to the competition regulations of the DiscDog Club of the Czech Republic.

Only dogs older than 18 months can participate in the races.

Dogs must be clinically healthy with valid vaccinations – pet passport will be required at the registration.

Players are responsible for their dogs or the dogs they compete with and for any damage caused by the dog.

Please keep the field and campground clean.

The organizer is not responsible for damage caused by the dog or the handler, nor for the death, injury or loss of the dog.